
Explore A Healthy Range Of Services And Resources To Be At Your Healthiest.

Fitness Room

Health and wellness mean different things to different people. There is no one approach to remaining happily fit and personally centered. That’s why we take a holistic approach to your well-being that takes into account mind, body and spirit…that recognizes the totality that is — you.

We offer you a wealth of health and wellness resources that are not only fun and engaging, but are designed to keep you at your best, adding quality years to your life.

Smell Loss, Brain Health, and You!

Parkinson’s disease affects nearly 1 million Americans and more than 6 million people worldwide. Here at Royal Oaks, we recognize that health and well-being are about more than just physical health. To support the life-changing research of the Michael J. Fox Foundation, Royal Oaks encourages senior residents 60 years and older to join in the Parkinson’s Smell Test Challenge by taking a simple scratch-and-sniff test. The data gathered from the test will contribute to this crucial study and help act as a preventative measure against Parkinson’s. Click the button below to join the study.

Everything Is Here And Ready For You.

This listing includes some, but not all of the favorite life-enriching activities at Royal Oaks. For details, see the activities boards that are displayed on campus, or check out the Learning Tree catalog to see the variety of senior living events taking place on and off campus, including:

Fitness Trainer working with resident
Perhaps you’d like to strength train. The latest equipment is here in our Evergreen Fitness Center.
Indoor swimming pool
Maybe swimming laps is your thing. Perfect, visit our pool.
Outdoor area at Royal Oaks Retirement Community
How about enjoying nature with a jog or a walk? We have trails you’ll love.
Residents playing games
Maybe indoor play is your choice. We have Wii® fitness games for your virtual competitive spirit.
Therapeutic Services
If you have a health need, our drop-in Wellness Center is there with medical and therapeutic services.

This is just a glimpse of the on-site health and wellness amenities you’ll enjoy.

The Seven Dimensions of Well-Being.

Physical Well-Being

Concentrating on this dimension helps you live more independently. Lifestyle choices that can sustain and improve your physical well-being include integrating exercise and nutritious eating into your daily living. Other strategies include getting adequate sleep, lessening stress, and having regular health check-ups.

Intellectual and Cognitive Icon
Intellectual / Cognitive

When your mind is active, you are more apt to live with passion and purpose. Engaging in creative and stimulating activities helps your mind stay alert and interested. Attend lectures, craft, pursue your hobbies, travel, try new activities — all things you can do at Royal Oaks.

Environment Well-Being Icon

Are you surrounded by nature? Do you live in a community that values our planet and applies technologies that sustain and improve its natural resources? Do you have the time and opportunity to “smell the roses” and let nature rejuvenate you? The answer to all these questions is “yes” — when you live at Royal Oaks.

Emotional Well-Being Icon

Being mindful, and living in a mindful way helps with this type of well-being. Having the freedom to “be who you are” works to achieve emotional balance, as does sharing your feelings and ambitions with others who are like-minded and on the same life journey as you.

Vocational Well-Being Icon

Activities that feed your soul, build your personal satisfaction and add to society serve to instill a special type of well-being. This can be accomplished by sharing your gifts, skills, and talents with others…by giving of yourself to those in need. It means living your life through a larger lens.

Social Well-Being Icon

We are meant to be around others, especially those with whom we share similar values and lifestyle choices. Social interactions with friends, family, neighbors…joining clubs and engaging in activities…traveling and exploring — all build your social wellness.

Spiritual Well-Being Icon

Are you in a place that enables you to live with meaning and purpose? Are you where you can find your inner peace, and reach out to make meaningful connections? Does your community offer mindful exercises and faith-based opportunities? Are you living in a place that is guided by strong values? All these and more are part of your spiritual well-being at Royal Oaks.

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"I am deeply moved by this breakthrough and endlessly grateful to everyone who has endeavored to bring us this far."
Michael J.Fox

Smell Loss, Brain Health, and You!

Parkinson’s disease affects nearly 1 million Americans and more than 6 million people worldwide. Here at Royal Oaks, we recognize that health and well-being are about more than just physical health. To support the life-changing research of the Michael J. Fox Foundation, Royal Oaks encourages senior residents 60 years and older to join in the Parkinson’s Smell Test Challenge by taking a simple scratch-and-sniff test. The data gathered from the test will contribute to this crucial study and help act as a preventative measure against Parkinson’s. Click the button below to join the study.

of major brain disorders are associated with smell loss
of newly diagnosed people with Parkinson’s have lost some ability to smell
people living with smell loss don’t know it until they are tested
People over age 60 may be living with smell loss
Smell loss may precede a Parkinson’s diagnosis by up to 10 years