October 10, 2018
Royal Oaks residents get the benefit of many healthcare professionals on campus. Dr. Ashish Sachdeva, Pinnacle Care Internal Medicine, recommends mindful living.
I was recently asked if I considered myself more of a Physician or a Healer. Am I a Physician possessing medical expertise vs. a Healer, who deals with the Mind, Body, and Soul. I would like to consider myself “both,” but in actuality, I want very much to continue my quest in reaching the highest goal of being a heart-felt Healer.
As we look at the different stages of our lives, we can see how our circumstances, goals, and priorities have changed dramatically over the passing years. If we draw a circle and divide it into components for each stage, we can visualize just how much our lives have changed. When we were young, we may have divided our “pie” into 3 or 4 components: School, Family, Sports, Friends, etc. A bit later we may have changed our “pie” to reflect that new stage of our lives: college, family, friendships, career, marriage, exercise, spiritual growth, etc. The next natural progression might also include children, PTA, home, etc. We can see our “life pie” is now getting more crowded. As time progresses, we find that even more is added: Care of our parents, grandchildren, retirement, change in our living accommodations, health issues, loss of loved ones, etc. At this juncture, we might find ourselves overwhelmed, stressed, saddened, and perhaps, lonely.
“No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” So where might we begin with defining our new senior life? Let’s look at what your “pie” and mindful living might look like:
Spiritual Growth. Is this an important area for you? If so, is this the time to join a study group? Perhaps a course in comparative religions? Develop an active prayer/meditation life?
Travel. Any places left on your bucket list? If health issues prevent you from the physical aspects of travel, how about inviting some friends over for a DVD & travel story evening?
Learning & Education. How about taking a course at a local college or online? This could not only sharpen your mind but be fun too.
Exercise & Health. Is this the time to really make taking care of yourself a priority? Perhaps the local Zumba class might be a bit much, but what about a yoga class? Swimming? Walking with light weights? It’s never too late to experience the benefits of exercise.
Hobbies. Here at Royal Oaks, you have a full calendar of activities from which to choose. And you can “double down” with your Sun City recreation card.
Volunteering/Community Work. You’ve spent a lifetime acquiring those skills, knowledge, and wisdom. Maybe it’s time to give back and share with others that are just starting out. This will feed your soul as well.
Family & Friends. Throughout the years, sadness occurs as we experience loss of our friends, peers, colleagues, and, perhaps most painful of all, our family members. With true respect for the losses in your lives, I would like you to consider creating a “Family of choice.” Who would you like to include in YOUR family of choice? A neighbor? Old or new friends? I want to encourage each of you to create a “Family of Choice,” and then invite that person to be part of your “family.” Send them a note or call them and offer to meet for coffee and enjoy their company.
I hope that I’ve given you a few ideas for creating your own “life pie.”